• (702) 418-3916
  • info@fighthypnosis.com

Ultimate Visualization Training for Fighters

//Ultimate Visualization Training for Fighters

Ultimate Visualization Training for Fighters

Ultimate Visualization, Self-Hypnosis, And Mindset Workshop for Fighters

Here’s a quick welcome video, and some information for you.

  • Time: We’ll be starting at 3pm sharp, Pacific Standard Time (Vancouver/Los Angeles) on Thursday, June 4th.
  • Zoom Meeting Information:Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9174517208?pwd=b2J3T01Gb0JDTGpxSFhiODVJTnVYQT09
    Meeting ID: 917 451 7208
    Password: WINMYFIGHT
  • Visibility: Please have your camera turned on and ready to go. You’ll learn techniques requiring video guidance and feedback.
  • Tech notes: If possible, please attend on a laptop. Headphones or in-ear devices will also be beneficial.
  • Please install Zoom prior to meeting start time.
  • I am fully responsible for your learning the techniques. You are free to take notes, but it’s not required. It’s my job to make sure you get the techniques. It’s my responsibility that you can perform them. I will be individually testing to make sure you understand. You will be able to perform each technique.
  • I ask that you wash/sanitize your hands prior to start. This is because we’ll use techniques that involve touching your face.
  • This is a hands-on workshop that will be intense. Out of ultimate respect for your time – there will not be a significant social/small-talk component. I’m fully committed to you learning, implementing, and being fully competent upon end of class.
  • There is absolutely no “upsell” of any sort, at any time. This is a fully inclusive workshop that will give you everything you need to practice visualization and self-hypnosis on your own.
  • Summarized notes on processes are prepared for you. There’s no need to take additional notes. You can simply pay attention and focus. If you’d like to take additional notes, feel free.
  • If I can assist your learning experience in any way, please do not hesitate to email me at info@fighthypnosis.com or Direct Message me on Instagram @fightmindset .