• (702) 418-3916
  • info@fighthypnosis.com

Weapons of Belief Change – Workshop

//Weapons of Belief Change – Workshop

Weapons of Belief Change – Workshop

Weapons of Belief Change – Workshop

Here’s a quick welcome video, and some information for you.

  • Time: If you’re in North America, we’ll be starting on Monday, July 27th, at 5pm sharp, Pacific Standard Time (Vancouver/Los Angeles).
  • For the Australians, this is 10am Australian EST on July 28th
  • Zoom Meeting Information:
    Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/9174517208?pwd=b2J3T01Gb0JDTGpxSFhiODVJTnVYQT09
    Meeting ID: 917 451 7208
    Password: WINMYFIGHT
  • Visibility: Please have your camera turned on and ready to go. You’ll learn techniques requiring video guidance and feedback.
  • Tech notes: If possible, please attend on a laptop/desktop with a proper internet connection, as opposed to a phone. Headphones or in-ear devices will also be beneficial.
  • Please install Zoom prior to meeting start time.
  • Responsibility in Learning: This is entirely my responsibility to make sure you learn these techniques. These are real, tangible techniques you can use immediately. Step-by-step instruction to instantly go. 100% plug-and-play. I am fully responsible for your learning. You are free to take notes, but not necessary at all. Notes are written already for you entirely. If you choose to just relax and pay attention, you’ll be in a great place.
  • Focus: I ask that you be entirely free of distractions for the 3 hour period.
  • Group size: Group size is small, and by invite only.
  • Intensive Format: I ask that we stay on task, with very little to no side-conversation out of respect for everyone’s time, and so we can stay perfectly on schedule. I am offering a personal free session to everyone attending if you have any special concerns or implementations you would like help with. No charge, no upsell. Ever.
  • Questions: I ask that we reserve questions until after the session, and I can answer them in a one-on-one format so that everyone’s time is respected. I will spend as much time as necessary one-on-one in follow-up to ensure you have the techniques mastered. If you have questions, feel free to write them down and we’ll cover them one-on-one after the workshop. I fully commit to working with each of you, at no charge, for as long as needed until you have these concepts mastered. We will also do multiple demos in which you’ll see exactly how to apply each technique, and every single person will be taken through the techniques in practice, too – So everyone will have the skills.
  • Live Demos: We’ll be doing a number of live demos with changing beliefs. We will go through multiple live belief-change sessions with multiple small-group attendees so that everyone can solidify their learning.
  • I ask that you wash/sanitize your hands prior to start. This is because we’ll use techniques that involve touching your face.
  • This is a hands-on workshop that will be intense. Out of ultimate respect for your time – there will not be a significant social/small-talk component. I’m fully committed to you learning, implementing, and being fully competent upon end of class.
  • There is absolutely no “upsell” of any sort, at any time. This is a fully inclusive workshop that will give you everything you need to rapidly change your own beliefs.
  • Summarized notes on processes are already prepared and finalized for you. There’s no need to take additional notes. You can simply pay attention and focus. If you’d like to take additional notes, feel free. The best use of any note-taking will be to simply jot down any questions you would like to have me clarify later in a one-on-one session.
  • If I can assist your learning experience in any way, please do not hesitate to email me at info@fighthypnosis.com or Direct Message me on Instagram @fightmindset .
  • Looking forward to connecting with everyone soon.

-Joshua Manuel
